General practice accreditation without compromise

Begin your quality journey today


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As Australia’s only accreditor specialising solely in general practice, we take quality seriously and support your practice to drive quality.

Latest news and updates

Don't miss your chance to shape the future of accreditation!


The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is now seeking feedback from the general practice sector. Share your views on the important changes being considered to the accreditation cycle and assessment of general practices. Consultation is now open until Friday 4th April 2025.

Have you ensured your accreditation details are correct and current in PRODA?


Accreditation dates are now used to assess MyMedicare eligibility if the practice has an accredited status. Practices should ensure their accreditation details and dates are current and correct to maintain MyMedicare eligibility. You have until the 31st March 2025 to update your details.

Register now for our next public webinar!


Does your practice have the right protocols in place to ensure your clinical waste is stored, managed and handled appropriately in your practice? Join us as we explore the areas of Clinical Waste Management as it relates to the Standards and delivering quality, safe care. Register now to reserve your spot.  Join us 3pm (AEST) Thursday, 10th April 2025.

News: Yet another vaccine mishap and accreditation failure


Closely following on from previous embarrassing reports of a practice being publicly outed in major press outlets for challenges with vaccine storage and cold chain, comes another breakdown with vaccination procedures, in this case with the incorrect vaccine being given to a child.


News: 25 years on - Has accreditation achieved its lofty ambitions?


In this, the 25th year since accreditation became a requirement to access the PIP, WIP and other benefits in general practice, it is timely to ask whether accreditation has achieved its goals in improving the quality of general practice in Australia and providing assurance to patients as to safety and quality.

Getting started

How do I apply?

To apply simply go to the Connect login located at the top of the web page, create your user account and complete the application form.

What are the benefits of my General Practice being certified by QPA?

We believe that certification ensures high standards of healthcare and is a signifier of excellence that patients should actively seek when choosing a general practice. We make certification beneficial for our practices by delivering engaging, constructive and productive feedback that ultimately empowers practices to deliver the best patient outcomes.

What standards will my practice be certified against?

Your practice will be assessed against the RACGP 5th edition standards for general practices and for services they will be assessed against the RACGP 5th edition standards for after-hours and medical deputising services. The 5th edition of the RACGP standards are focused on patient outcomes and quality improvement. Our values as an organisation are in line with the 5th edition standards.


What does QPA do?

Once your application has been processed, your practice will be contacted by your assigned Quality Accreditation Manager (QAM). Your QAM will be your point of contact throughout the certification journey. They will assist with providing resources to help with your self-assessment and survey visit. After your survey visit is completed, you will be sent a comprehensive report which you will have an opportunity to provide feedback to QPA on. Your final report will then be issued to your practice and to our Certification Authority. Once certified, you will receive your certificate in hard copy and a copy will be accessible in your Connect  portal.

Are there resources that QPA can provide to assist my practice during accreditation?

Yes, QPA’s Connect portal contains a comprehensive suite of resources to support your practice team.
Your QAM will work with your practice team to ensure you are provided with the resources best suited to your practice. We also have a comprehensive fortnightly webinar program that can be accessed by yourself and your team for training purposes.

Does QPA supply a P&P template?

Yes, we have a Policy and Procedure template which is designed in a format to help you make your manual a live working document for your practice team. There is no need for practices to create a new P&P manual, however our template provides guidance to ensure your existing manual is compliant against the 5th edition standards.

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