Fee Estimate Start your accreditation journey by completing this form and receive your QPA proposal Your contact informationYour Name* Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Title First Last Position*Phone*Email* Practice InformationPractice Name*Are you currently accredited?*YesNoIf so, please provide the practice's expiry date*Practice Type - please selectGeneral PracticeAboriginal Health ServiecsMedical Deputising ServiceAfter Hour ClinicPractice is co-located with other medical services Practice is co-located with other medical services Practice does not have a fixed clinical address Practice does not have a fixed clinical address Practice Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State Postcode Total number of GPs currently working in your practice*Total weekly consulting hours for all GPs*(Note: the number of hours should reflect face to face patient contact time and not teaching or administration) Please provide any additional information about your accreditation goals and needsCAPTCHA