QPA Webinar Series
Interactive online training for your teamComing up in our webinar program for 2025…
Lock these dates into your calendar!
Business continuity & information security (exclusively for our QPA practices)
Tuesday 11th February 2025, 1pm AEDT* REGISTER HERE
Do you have a particular question around this topic that you’d really like us to address? Let us know here
Clinical waste
Thursday 10th April 2025, 3pm AEST* (this webinar is available for all practices to attend, not just QPA practices!)
Medical records requirements and auditing for GPs
Thursday 5th June 2025, 5pm AEST* (this webinar is exclusively available for QPA practices and PHN’s)
Topic to be determined
Wednesday 6th August 2025, 1pm AEST* (this webinar is available for all practices to attend, not just QPA practices!)
Open disclosure
Thursday 9th October 2025, 2pm AEDT* (this webinar is exclusively available for QPA practices and PHN’s)
Topic to be cdetermined
Tuesday 18th November 2025, 1pm AEDT* (this webinar is exclusively available for QPA practices and PHN’s)
Important information to note:
- *As the QPA head office is located in New South Wales, we operate under Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) during the following dates:
For 2024/25, AEDT takes effect from Sunday 6th October 2024 until Sunday 6th April 2025
For 2025/26, AEDT takes effect from Sunday 5th October 2025 until Sunday 5th April 2026
Outside of these dates, QPA operates under Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Please be aware that webinar times are communicated in either AEST or AEDT depending on the time of year.
- Links to register your attendance for upcoming webinars as well as recordings of past presentations are available within the webinar section of the Connect Portal
- Please be aware, if you are joining our webinar via a mobile device or tablet, you must download the Microsoft Teams app and view our live presentation through the app. The webinars can be viewed from Teams in the browser, only if you’re on a desktop computer or laptop.
Our webinars continue to be interactive online training that are:
- Most of our scheduled webinars are available exclusively for QPA practices as part of their ongoing support program
- Our practices are also able to watch the webinar recordings at any time that is convenient to them, via their Connect portal
- On occasions, QPA may present webinars publicly, whether a QPA client or not. Registration details to these webinars will be available on this page and promoted in our socials and e-newsletters in the weeks leading up to the presentation date.
- Our presenters are trained and experienced members of our QPA team, ready to answer your burning questions
- We schedule webinars to limit the disruption to your practice
- They are designed to support staff in running an efficient, professional and quality practice
- We cover a comprehensive range of topics that address the various indicators within the Standards
- Please note, if you are joining our webinar via a mobile device or tablet, you must download the Microsoft Teams app and view our live presentation through the app. The webinars can be viewed from Teams in the browser, only if you’re on a desktop computer or laptop.
FAQ about our webinars
Is there a cost, or do I have to be a QPA client, to attend your webinars?
QPA webinars are part of the dedicated support we offer our practices and there is no extra cost. There is also no cost for publicly available webinars.
How do I register?
Details to our upcoming webinars will be published on this page and on our socials. Additionally, our QPA practices will be notified about exclusive webinars via QPA’s regular e-newsletter. For webinars available exclusively to our QPA practices, the registration link will be available in the webinars section of the Connect portal.
For public webinars, the registration link will be published on this page within 2 weeks of the webinar presentation date. You will be asked to provide some basic details including your email address. Following the webinar, an email will be sent to all attendees with an invitation to complete an evaluation survey and a certificate of attendance for you to download for your records.
How do I log in for the live session?
Once you register to attend a webinar, a confirmation email will be sent straight to your inbox with the link to join the presentation. Please click on this link when it is time to attend the webinar, and you will be taken directly to the session. Ensure you register with an email address you can access on the day of the webinar.
Please remember that all start times refer to NSW time. Also note between early October to early April QPA will operate under Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) which is + 1100 UTC. You may need to make adjustments to log in at the correct time from your location.
If you are joining our webinar via a mobile device or tablet, you must download the Microsoft Teams app and view our live presentation through the app. The webinars can be viewed from Teams in the browser, only if you’re on a desktop computer or laptop.